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Friday, December 26, 2008

Day After

So i wrote 2 post about how much i wasn't in the spirit and all this other stuff , guess i was wrong . I never really got in the spirit but yesterday was definitely a great day. I went to work . I know that sucks but time and a half is what it is lol . I was definitely not complaining at all . After work I went by my aunt's house where the family was gathering and everything .I was expecting chaos like every other year ,but to my surprise everything was actually good . My family is the type that smiles when people around but cut off each other's throats any time after that

.I looked pretty good last night if i say so myself . The older people had stuff to say because my fanny was showin lol but ehh whatever. The gifts I gave made everyone laugh ,and reminisce so that was good. I thought they was gonna turn up their noses to it because not much was spent. Seeing that I put a smile on alot of faces I was okay . I saw my amb chica which was also great .. We took hella pics Me ,Amb , and Ash wore santa hats we were hot lol .. ATTTTTT(INSIDER LOL) ... Iv came over I was actually pretty nervous lol.. He knew Amb's dad which was cool too. All in All i had a great Christmas. :)

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