Dear Parents ,
I love you two so much . I know I get on ya nerves constantly but it is all love. I appreciat everything you do for me , way more than you will ever figure out .
Mother of mine AKA Cleatis :) lol , I argue with you 364 days out of the year. I know you probably think that I am going to just be toooo spontaneous one day and the little crazy side of me will take over ,but relax ;you raised me very well . I know I blossomed into this mean ass , over -thinking , caring way to much , demanding , goof ball but I must say I have a very strong , and very smart mind set . I can not give props to myself for this. I definitely would not have known how to accomplish anything if it wasn't for you . I am not going to lie to you ma , I feel like you could be in way better situations , and as much as you tell me to not worry about you , it is hard. I hate to know that you are this smart , tech savy individual who will not do better for herself because she think it is over for her. Mom you know good and well that is not the way to go . Yes, you are 51 but who cares? If there are seventy yr olds graduating college , knowing they are getting a degree for their own satisfaction and not for career purpose , you can get out there as well.Ma I think our downfall will be money . This may be F'D up to say but I honestly feel this way . Majority of our arguments are always over money of some sort . There is no need for the selfish ways when it comes down to this . WE NEED TO GET IT TOGETHER. Anyways , thank you for steering me in the right direction in life . Thank you for letting me know that if I want something to go my way , I have to do what I have to do to have that authority . Thank you for staying up late with me when I was crying over some dumb ass boy . Thank you for letting me know that I can be a bitch sometimes . Thank you for telling me you Love me EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. Thank you for be tooo protective , and toooo annoying ;I don't think I would know what to do with it any other way. I definitely want to thank you for always telling me to be better than you . There are so many parents out there that want their children to be like them or less , thank you for letting me be expressive how I want . No , I'm not in school at the moment . Yes , I complain that you do not help me with some of my expenses but in actuality it is only making me stronger .I get mad that you didn't make me do a sport , or any other activity because I kind of feel like that is why I am always trying to do something else. -_+ but thanks again . I LOVE YOU CLEATIS ....
I was always the "baby" and i dig it lol . You have 7 kids (maybe more ,PIMP DADDY !! JK) but I must say you treat us all very well . You dont have the education or the funds to take us around the world , buy us cars ,pay for our schooling , or anything else but the love you share is ridiculous . YOUR PATIENCE IS SUPER HIGH . I have no idea how you put up with me and my mother . I really dont know how you and ma stay on the phone for hrs or everytime you guys see each other always do that simple yet heartfelt kiss . I DONT GET IT .LOL. I love you for showing me how a man is supposed to treat me . I love you for having such a soft heart , although it annoys the hell out of me sometimes because I think people are running over you. I hate that when me and you have serious conversations , I can never finish the convo without tears . WHAT THE HECK ??I never told you this but the December my 6th grade yr , I started to hate you . I didnt understand why you had to bring one of your kids around . I did not want to understand that her mother was practically abusive and you wanted to take her in mainly because she is mentally disable . I still hate how you two are. I felt like I lost you as my father because she was around . It went from me being your little girl , to this other girl taking up all your time . =( . Ruthia always said I should try to get to know Nikki (my sister) but I really have no interest in doing so . When we are in the car , I just want to hit her in the back of her head , snap some sense into her. I hate that you never really tried to get her better. She is not as "slow" as people tend to think .. I think you know this but whatever....Dad I know we don't talk everyday but I appreciate all the small things you have done , and continue to do for me .
DORIS AND BENNIE ...There is a big ass chunk of my heart just for yall ... FEEL SPECIAL LOL =)
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